Community Foster / Adopt Support Group
Warsaw / Winona Lake Area
Raising children can be exhausting. Raising children with a history of trauma can be overwhelming.
Many families that are fostering, or have adopted children may struggle with feelings of isolation, loneliness, frustration and even desperation. We know those feelings, and we know how deeply profound those feelings are. That is why we offer a support group for foster & adoptive parents. There is something powerful about belonging to a community where you can share ideas, emotions and stories without fear of judgment. We hope you will join us as we look to encourage each other, answer questions, and learn from each other.
Join Us
Our meeting dates are posted, and we ask that you register your children once, and then yourselves each month. This helps us ensure we will have sufficient food and childcare. Once your children are registered, you will only need to include which children will attend on your registration each month.
We meet from 3:30-5:30pm at Warsaw Community Church (1855 S County Farm Rd) in Warsaw, Indiana. Dinner and childcare will be provided. We do ask you to register your children so that we are able to provide the best care for them and keep them safe while with us. Childcare Registration Form
If you know other families that would benefit from this group, please share this page with them.
Support Group Meeting – March
March 16 @ 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm